Microwave Sensor Supplier

Microwave Sensor Supplier manufactures sensor products including position, vision, cylinder, inductive, magnetic & photoelectric sensors. Other products include accelerometers & temperature, pressure & humidity sensors. ISO 9001:2000 certified.

A conformal planar complementary split ring resonator (CSRR)-based microwave sensor has been developed for efficient location-based detection of ice and snow accretion on aircraft surfaces. The security lights performance of the sensor has been analyzed using a lumped model and 3D electromagnetic simulation software after TL calibration.

Detection Range

A microwave sensor detects motion using electromagnetic radiation that gets reflected in the receiver. A typical moving object causes a change in the reflected frequency that is then detected by the receiver and can trigger the switch to activate if required. The sensitivity and range of the sensor can be adjusted to accommodate specific needs.

Microwave sensors can detect a movement up to eight meters from the point of installation, making them a suitable choice for large rooms and shops. They can also be stacked to increase the coverage and sensitivity of the system. They can withstand a wide variety of weather conditions and can work around fans, plastic drainpipes, rodents, and other nuisance alarms.

The sensitivity of the sensor can be adjusted by changing the potentiometer. When the potentiometer is turned in the direction of MIN, the detection range decreases and when it is turned in the opposite direction, the range increases.

Microwave sensors are available from several distributors. Some offer a broad selection of sensor products while others focus on niche markets. A trusted supplier with a long history in the industry will often offer high-quality products at affordable prices. Bigger companies often have established supplier relationships and can enjoy discounts on raw materials and production costs. They can also afford to hire skilled workers and maintain a state-of-the-art production plant.

Detection Angle

Microwave sensor is suitable for use in passageway, washroom, elevator and other public areas for security protection or energy saving. It can be used alone or combined with other sensors, such as infrared pyroelectric sensor. It is not affected by sunlight or clothing color and is sensitive to motion Microwave Sensor Supplier of people passing. It can detect moving objects even when they are covered by dust or lights.

Microwave sensors can be easily integrated into the light fixtures by using simple wiring. They also offer a number of customizable settings, including sensitivity, detection area, delay time and daylight threshold. The adjustable features allow you to customize the device for your unique needs and maximize your energy savings.

The microwave detector uses a low power amplifier to convert the received signals into a square wave with a digital output of 1 or 0. This signal can be easily transmitted to the micro controller. The output voltage of the sensor will rise if it detects movement, and fall if no motion is detected. The detection angle is 360° and can be adjusted through a potentiometer on the circuit board. This allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor and reduce the amount of reflected signals. This will reduce the signal to noise ratio and increase the detection range of the sensor.

Delay Time

The delay time can be defined according to your practical requirement. The delay time is the period between signal detected and light auto-on. When movement is detected, the delay time re-starts, and the light will keep working over the preset delay time. It is very important for energy saving, and it can lessen the power consumption of the sensor.

Microwave Sensor can be applied to passageway, washroom, elevator and household for security protection and energy saving purpose. It is delicate in appearance and compact in structure, so it can be easily installed inside the lightings with lamp shade made of glass or plastic. It applies for many technical patents and has multiple practical utilizations. It is the best choice for your intelligent control system.

Power Consumption

The power sensor used in the microwave sensors is usually a thermopile type. It operates on the principle that the absorbed microwave power transforms into heat and electric energy by the thermopile based on the Seebeck effect. The thermal difference between the two ends of the thermopile generates a DC voltage. The sensor measures the microwave power using this voltage. Compared with the traditional microwave power measurement methods that use diodes or thermistors, this new method is more accurate and stable.

Besides, it consumes less power and is suitable for areas with frequent occupancy. According to Lal Changlani, director of Sensinova Lighting, the company’s sensors can save 30-80 per cent of electricity expenses depending on the area of the building and the mode of energy usage. Moreover, the company’s dual-plate microwave sensor modules can cut a significant amount of energy waste by automatically turning off lights in areas that are unoccupied.

The microwave sensor’s sensitivity also enables it to detect non-human movements, such as animals and fast-moving objects. However, it cannot penetrate through walls or glass. Consequently, some people prefer to use passive infrared (PIR) detectors rather than microwave sensors for lighting control. A PIR sensor uses only 0.8 to 1.0 Watt of electricity, while a microwave sensor consumes about 1.1 Watt. However, the former is a better option for large areas because it has a wide detection range and can work in areas that are not well-lit.

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